ƒgƒbƒvEƒy[ƒW„'Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates'„No.160

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@uƒS[ƒ‹ƒhƒtƒBƒbƒVƒ…‚Ύ‚ζ‚θv@`Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates`
yNo.160, from NLW No.388z
@\ ˜AΪ‘ζ160† uGo Penguins Launch - Beatles Day - Fab4D - Chance Meetingv \

@Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates - No.160

@@ "Go Penguins" launch - at Mersey Ferries Terminal, 6 July 2009

Go Penguins

*** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates ***

@@ "Beatles Day" - 10 July 2009

The Dockers at Liverpool One

The Shakers at 08 Place

Andy Prior at Cavern Walks

Beatles Day

*** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates ***

@@ Fab4D - at Beatles Story, 16 July 2009

Images Courtesy of The Beatles Story

Beatles Story Fab4D

*** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates ***

@@ "Chance Meeting" - new statues at Liverpool Lime Street Station


*** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates *** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates ***

Photo Copyright(C) 2009 minakO jacksOn
Beatles Story Fab4D Images Courtesy of The Beatles Story

Goldfish No.159

Goldfish No.161
ƒgƒbƒvEƒy[ƒWƒ'Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates'ƒNo.160