トップ・ページ>'Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates'>No.93 |
「ゴールドフィッシュだより」 〜Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates〜 |
【No.93, from NLW No.301】 ― 連載第93号 「暑い夏がやってきた!?」 ―
Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates -No.93 
Liverpool Community College - HND Fine Art End of Year Show |
Speech by Bill Drummond 
HND Fine Art End of Year Show 
**** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates **** |
"Shoot Liverpool" - at Open Eye Gallery |
*** Photos Courtesy of Shoot Liverpool ***
**** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates **** |
Emma Simcock Tooth - Solo Show at the International Gallery |
**** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates **** |
EDGE HILL International Festival - at Edge Hill Train Station, Sat 9th June |
**** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates **** |

Photo Copyright(C) 2007 minakO jacksOn
Photo(*) Courtesy of Shoot Liverpool
トップ・ページ<'Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates'<No.93 |