トップ・ページ>'Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates'>No.107 |
「ゴールドフィッシュだより」 〜Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates〜 |
【No.107, from NLW No.319】 |
― 連載第107号 「新しい観光情報を少々&ガーストン共和国、独立宣言!?」 ―
Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates - No.107 
Visitor Information Centre at Albert Dock |
Opening Ceremony & Party on Friday October 2 

L to R; Warren Bradley, Lord Mayor Paul Clark and wife Hilary
and Joe Edge, Director of the Albert Dock Company |
**** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates **** |
City Centre Circulars - 3 Route Bus Services Linking Liverpool |
Route S1 City Centre Circular 
**** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates **** |
The Artistic Republic of Garston - Launched on Saturday November 3 |
The Artistic Republic of Garston 
**** Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates **** |

Photo Copyright(C) 2007 minakO jacksOn
トップ・ページ<'Minapop Goldfish * Liverpool Updates'<No.107 |