
  <NLW No.504>

 リヴァプール・ニュース News of the Liverpool World (NLW) - No.504

【寄稿】 「ハプニングもレベルアップな旅って!」11 / Anne

Stanley Park & Anfield Stadium - 2nd October 2011

The Cafe In The Park, Stanley Park

Anfield Stadium

With Anne

**** News of the Liverpool World ****   

【寄稿】「ノア姉さんのブルマ追っかけ大作戦〜フィンランド編」6 / ノア

Tampere Beatles Happening 2012
- at Tampere-talo, Saturday 21st January 2012

Breakfast at Holiday Inn Tampere

Sightseeing walk in Tampere

Lunch at Canteen in Tampere-talo

The Fifth Floor Band live at the Fixing A Hole Pub, Tampere-talo

The BlueMargarets' sound check at the Main Auditrium, Tampere-talo

The BlueMargarets in the dressing room, Tampere-talo

The BlueMargarets
Tampere-talo (Tampere Hall)
Tampere Beatles Happening

**** News of the Liverpool World ****   

【NLW No.504 今週のBGM】

**** News of the Liverpool World ****   


NLW No.503

NLW No.505